
Materials for the Quantum Age

QuMat – Materials for the Quantum Age – is a Dutch research program under the gravity initiative. QuMat is a collaboration between researchers in Utrecht, Delft, Groningen, Nijmegen, Eindhoven, and Twente. With a budget of 27 million EUR, QuMat will hire 30 PhD students and postdocs in the years 2022-2023 and another 30 PhD students and postdocs in the years 2027-2028.

Silicon forms the basis of the current information society, instrumental in increasing human welfare. However, there is a never-ending demand for more powerful computing. “Materials for the quantum age” aims to provide proto-type materials with stable coherent quantum states. These will enable classic computing to become much more powerful and at the same time more energy efficient. Moreover, robust quantum states remaining coherent under affordable conditions will allow to upscale powerful quantum computing.

The Materials for the Quantum Age program (QuMat) will design, fabricate and characterize low-dimensional materials with electronic, magnetic or even more complex coherent quantum states. QuMat will further demonstrate materials featuring coherent transport up to room temperature and scalable, affordable materials that host robust qubit states. These materials can open the window to more efficient classic computing and upscaling of quantum computing.

Next QuMat seminar on 2024-10-18 at 16:00

Chiroptical probes to track spin & light polarization in space & time in emerging semiconductors

Speaker: Sacha Feldmann – Laboratory for Energy Materials at EPFL

Host: Daniel Vanmaekelbergh


or in person at BBG 7.12.

Latest QuMat seminar video from 2024-06-18

Bogoliubov Fermi surface in a proximitized topological insulator

Speaker: Jens Brede

Affilation: University of Cologne

Host: Ingmar Swart

New study highlights potential of 2D materials in advanced light-based technologies

In a new study published in Physical Review B, researchers led by professor Zeila Zanolli and PhD candidate Riccardo Reho from Utrecht University, explored the ...
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Can a computer chip have zero energy loss in 1.58 dimensions?

Can a computer chip have zero energy loss in 1.58 dimensions? What if we could find a way to make electric currents flow, without energy ...
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Quantum education for the younger generation symposium

A big thanks to all participants who joined us for a day of talks and workshops aimed at developing quantum education for the younger generation ...
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QuMat Pillar Meeting 2024 in Delft

A big thanks to everyone who participated in the QuMat Pillar meeting in Delft. The QuMat 2024  pillar meeting took place 22 – 23 April ...
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QuMat@Veldhoven 2024

During the annual Phsyics@Veldhoven, there were many QuMat researchers present. Unfortunately not all had the opportunity to join in on the image.
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QuMat yearly meeting

Thank to everyone for making the first QuMat yearly meeting such a success. We are now looking forward to the Pillar Meeting in April 22 ...
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