Pillar meeting in Eindhoven 26 – 27 May

Dear QuMat’ers,

We have received quite a lot of feedback that the dates 19 – 20 May where not an ideal choice of dates. Especially considering that they overlap with the large Quantum Matter Conference that we know several members will visit.

As such, we have now rescheduled the Pillar meeting by one week. The new dates are 26 – 27 May. We hope that this shift in date will be beneficial to the meeting.

The meeting will be the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium (NatLab) in Eindhoven.

We are still putting the schedule together but wanted to give you are first peek at the plans. They look as follows:

Monday 26 May:
10:00 – 11:30 Site visit to the laboratories at the uninversisty
11:00 – 13:00 Transport to the NatLab and Lunch
13:00 – 18:00 Plenty of talks and discussions
18:00 – 20:00 Dinner
20:00 – 22:00 Evening activity (to be determined)

Tuesday 27 May:
09:30 – 15:00 Plenty of talks and discussions. We will end the day with a special discussion session on how to prepare QuMat for the next phase.

We have summarized all this information on the pillar meeting page.

The registration is not yet open, but stay tuned.

Kind regards

Mikael, Erik, Pauline, Simone

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