Registration Yearly Meeting 2024

Please use this form to register (late) for the QuMat yearly meeting 2024 in Twente.

The registration formally closed but if you have already informed Mikael about your late entry y can register here.



I will attend on:

Activities day 1

On the first day we will have a dinner!
Please indicate your attendance.

After the dinner there will be an evening activity in the center of Enshede. Please indicate if you will join.

Activities day 2

During the second day there is an option to take a tour of the Grolsch Veste stadium. Would you like to join, and what language would you prefer?

At the end of the second day we will have a site visit to the laboratories of Twente. We hope you will join!

Dietary preferences

Note: For the yearly meeting we will make vegetarian food the standard. Should you need a non-vegetarian diet you can indicate so below.

Other dietary preferences

Poster or Talk?

It is not possible to submit a talk or poster anymore – please contact Mikael Fremling ( to have it manually added to the program.

Contributed talks and posters

If you wish to present at the meeting, please indicate the title and abstract of the talk or poster. Associated members are also invited to submit an abstract.

Authors are requested to indicate their preference for oral or poster presentations. The talks will be 15 minutes + 5 minutes of questions.

The local organizers will decide the distribution of talks and the type of presentation to be assigned. We will do our best to accommodate as many wishes as possible.

I would like to contribute to the conference with a talk or a poster?
Would you prefer a talk or poster?

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