Past QuMat seminars in Utrecht

The QuMat seminars in Utrecht is a bi-weekly joint venture between Utrecht’s experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics groups.
Coming QuMat seminars are listed here.

Videos from previous talks are available on youtube and listed here.

Magnonic analogs of topological insulators in two and three dimensions

Speaker: Hosho Katsura – Tokyo University

Host: Dirk Schuricht



Magnons (or spin waves) are collective excitations in magnets responsible for their magnetic and thermal properties. Recently, there has been a growing interest in studying magnetic systems with nontrivial magnon band topology. However, examples discussed so far have been mostly limited to systems which can be thought of as a magnonic analog of integer quantum Hall systems. In this talk, I will talk about a class of magnonic systems that are the natural counterparts of time-reversal symmetric topological insulators in two and three dimensions [1,2]. The feature of these systems is that each pair of bands related by pseudo-time-reversal symmetry carries a Z2 topological invariant. I will demonstrate that the Z2 invariant so defined characterizes the presence/absence of helical edge/surface modes. If time permits, I will touch on magnonic analogs of topological crystalline insulators [3].

[1] H. Kondo, Y. Akagi, and H. Katsura, Phys. Rev. B 99, 041110(R) (2019).
[2] H. Kondo, Y. Akagi, and H. Katsura, Phys. Rev. B 100, 144401 (2019).
[3] H. Kondo and Y. Akagi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 177201 (2021).

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