QuMat seminar

2023-06-14, 16:00 – BBG 7.12
Generating smooth potential landscapes with thermal scanning-probe lithograpyh

Speaker: Nolan Lassaline – Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Host: Daniel Vanmaekelbergh


Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) uses a sharp tip and an energetic stimulus to interrogate surfaces with atomic precision. Inputs such as mechanical, electrical, or thermal energy can activate extremely localized interactions, providing a powerful class of instruments for manipulating materials on small length scales. Thermal scanning-probe lithography (tSPL) is an advanced SPM variant that uses a silicon tip on a heated cantilever to locally sublimate polymer resist, acting as a high-resolution lithography tool and a scanning probe microscope simultaneously. The main advantage of tSPL is the ability to electrically control the temperature and applied force of the tip, which can produce smooth topographical surfaces that are unattainable with conventional nanofabrication techniques. Recent investigations have exploited these surfaces to generate potential landscapes for enhanced control of photons, electrons, excitons, and nanoparticles, demonstrating a broad range of experimental possibilities. This talk outlines the principles of tSPL and discusses the implications of smooth potential landscapes for diffractive optics, quantum electronics, and nanomaterials science.

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