Tenured group leader: Giordano Scappucci

Giordano Scappucci
Giordano Scappucci

Delft University


Email: G.Scappucci@tudelft.nl

Member of pillar 3
Short Biography

The Scappucci group develops industry compatible quantum materials for spin-based quantum computing. The developed quantum materials enabled the landmark demonstrations of strong spin-photon coupling in silicon and of a four-qubit germanium quantum processor, paving the way towards scalable quantum computing. Scappucci is also leading the materials development within the QuTech-Intel partnership to advance quantum computing in silicon and was awarded several projects in the Netherlands (NWO Projectruimte, Open Technology Program), EU, US and Australia to develop quantum materials for quantum computing.

Project involvement
Project Leader for project 3.1C
Germanium quantum wells

Postdoc: Karina Hudson

PhD student: Alberto Tosato

Publications in QuMat

Hard superconducting gap in germanium
Alberto Tosato, Vukan Levajac, Ji-Yin Wang, Casper J. Boor, Francesco Borsoi, Marc Botifoll, Carla N. Borja, Sara Martí-Sánchez, Jordi Arbiol, Amir Sammak, Menno Veldhorst, Giordano Scappucci
Commun Mater 4, 23 (2023)

Contributes to: Pillar 3,

Germanium wafers for strained quantum wells with low disorder
Lucas E. A. Stehouwer; Alberto Tosato; Davide Degli Esposti; Davide Costa; Menno Veldhorst; Amir Sammak; Giordano Scappucci
Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 092101 (2023)

Contributes to: Pillar 3,

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