PHD: Feike van Veen

University of Twente
Project 1.1D in Pillar 1
Devices based on quantum spin Hall insulator/X hybrids
Project Leader: Alexander Brinkman
Co-supervisor: Bart van Wees
Co-supervisor: Anton Akhmerov
Student of pillar 1
Short Biography
Hello! Starting February 1 st 2023, I am a PhD candidate within the QuMat program, working in the group of prof. Alexander Brinkman at the University of Twente. My focus will be on fabricating bismuthene (the bismuth-equivalent of graphene) and probing Quantum Spin Hall states in devices fabricated with this material.
Before I started my PhD, I studied Applied Physics at the University of Twente (2015-2020 Bachelor and 2020-2023 Master). For my Master I did an academic internship in the group of Floriana Lombardi in Gothenburg. Here, I assisted a post-doctoral researcher fabricating single-electron transistors in thin films of bismuth-antimony-telluride (BST), gaining experience in especially fabrication techniques and topological materials.
For my Master thesis, I deposited ultra-thin films of BST using molecular beam epitaxy. Using these films, I fabricated devices attempting to probe signatures of the QSHE.
During my Bachelor I was actively involved in sports and student associations. Also, I had a gap-year in my Bachelor, during which I full-time volunteered as team manager of a student team building our own hydrogen fuel-cell driven race car.
In my free time I enjoy playing the accordion and guitar. Also, I like reading, cooking and I am a sport enthusiast, by which I mean that I like any sport that comes on my path.