PHD: Floris Kooij

Utrecht University
Project 1.1B in Pillar 1
Fe(Se,Te) / topological insulator hybrids: growth and characterization
Project Leader: Guus Rijnders
Co-supervisor: Ingmar Swart
Co-supervisor: Ageeth Bol
Co-supervisor: Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
Student of pillar 1
Short Biography
Starting September 1st 2023, I am a PhD candidate in a joint project between the groups of Ingmar Swart (Utrecht University) and Guus Rijnders (University of Twente). We aim to characterize and manipulate the zero energy states and dispersive states living in the superconducting gap of Fe(Se,Te) crystals and epitaxial monolayers with 300 mK scanning tunnelling spectroscopy, among others by using directional magnetic fields and high-frequency shot noise.
Before that, I received bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and physics (2016-2020), and master’s degrees in nanomaterials science and experimental physics (2020-2023) at Utrecht University. During my master’s, I was involved in research projects on exploratory STM shot noise measurements within the group of Ingmar Swart, and on ARPES measurements on potential high-Tc magnetic topological materials within the group of Mark Golden at the University of Amsterdam.
In my spare time I like to go for the occasional bike ride, and recently rediscovered running. Besides that I enjoy hiking, cooking, games (both digital and analog) and adding to the ever-growing list of series I intend to watch but don’t.