Full professor: Petra Rudolf

Petra Rudolf
University of Groningen
Surfaces and thin films
Email: p.rudolf@rug.nl
Short Biography
Rudolf’s group specializes in electron spectroscopies, also employing synchrotron light. Their principal research interests lie in the areas of 2D solids, molecular motors, organic thin films and inorganic-organic hybrids. Rudolf was elected member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering, honorary member of the Italian and the Dutch Physical Societies, Fellow of the Institute of Physics, and Fellow of the American Physical Society. For her work on molecular motors, she received the 2007 Descartes Prize of the European Commission. In 2013 she was appointed officer of the Order of Oranje Nassau by H.M. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands .
Project involvement
Project Leader for project MT.1
k-space spectroscopy & element specific magnetometry and microscopy of 2D topological materials
k-space spectroscopy & element specific magnetometry and microscopy of 2D topological materials