PHD: Auke Vlasblom

Utrecht University
Project 1.2C / 3.2C in Pillar 1 & 3
Scanning probe characterization and noise spectroscopy of hybrid topological superconductors
Project Leader: Ingmar Swart
Short Biography
I started my PhD on October 1st 2022 in the Condensed Matter and Interfaces (CMI) group at Utrecht University under supervision of dr. Ingmar Swart. My research focusses on realizing topological superconductors with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). With an STM, we can create artificial structures atom by atom. Building topological structures on a superconducting substrate will allow us to investigate topological superconductivity in artificial systems.
Previously, I received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry (2016-2019) and a master’s degree in Nanomaterials Science (2019-2021) at Utrecht University. During my Master’s, I did my thesis in the group of Ingmar Swart, where I developed an autonomous in situ STM tip preparation tool using machine learning. Further, I did an academic internship at Leiden University in the group of Sense Jan van der Molen. Here, I investigated local charge transport (potentiometry) of nanodevices using a low-energy electron microscope (LEEM).
After my master’s studies, I worked a year (2021-2022) on a collaborative project between Seaborough—a company developing LED technology—and the group of Andries Meijerink (Utrecht University—CMI).
In my free time I enjoy sports, such as indoors free-climbing and running. Further, I like to spend my time reading books, watching series and I occasionally visit the theater or go to a concert.