Project QuMat.1-RU-2.3B / 4.2A in Pillar 2 & 4

PhD student: Caroline Bauer

Project Leader: Alexey Kimel

Co-supervisor: Bert Koopmans

Advanced spectroscopy of complex magnetism

This subproject will focus on characterizing the static and dynamic behavior of synthesized magnetic films and heterostructures. We will look at the emergence of complex magnetic order in rare-earth films and ascertain the role of spin orbit coupling and magnetic exchange. Special attention will be paid to manipulating this order with local spin torques to quantify how these materials can be used for magnetic memory and low-energy spin transfer. We will explore the presence of topological magnons as well as fundamentally new types of quasiparticle excitations, such as fractons.

Optical sensing and control of topologically protected states

We will study the emergence of complex magnetic order in rare-earth materials and ascertain the role of spin orbit coupling and magnetic exchange. We will aim at manipulating this order, with laser fields, in order to quantify how we can utilize these materials for magnetic memory and low-energy spin transfer. Moreover, we will explore the presence of topological magnons as well as fundamentally new types of quasiparticle excitations, like fractons, in these material systems.

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