Meetings Calendar

The near future plan for QuMat meetings is as below

  •  May 26-27 2025: Pillar meeting – Eindhoven
  • October 2025: Yearly meeting – Utrecht
Previous meetings
Other meetings organized by QuMat

QuMat Meetings and Events

During its lifetime, QuMat will host various meetings, conferences, seminars, summer schools, and site visits.

QuMat started with a kick-off meeting and will organize two consortium meetings yearly. These meetings will allow QuMat researchers to exchange results and ideas, facilitate cross-fertilization between pillars and disciplines, and strengthen the community.


Each spring, the Pillar leaders organize Pillar meetings to discuss the progress in the research projects and ensure collaboration and feedback between the disciplines.

The EB has decided to treat the methods and techniques section as a Pillar. Therefore the will be no extra M&T meeting in the winter, but it will be part of the Pillar meeting in the spring.

Annual Meeting

In the fall, all researchers meet in the three-day annual meeting to present and discuss the progress and problems program-wide and identify new research opportunities and cross-pillar collaborations. They also include a one-day external program with international speakers. This day is open to all researchers working on the broad quantum materials or quantum technology front and to industrial and societal organizations. The meeting thus combines discussions of new research directions and scientific evolutions in the field, society, and industry.

Site visits

 To stimulate community building and knowledge sharing among the young researchers, the Ph.D./PostDoc council will organize site visits to each QuMat university. The hosting Ph.D. students and postdocs prepare tutorials to introduce the other students to their projects and give tours of their facilities. Together with the M&T meetings, this ensures that all junior researchers are aware of the ongoing research and the facilities and equipment available within QuMat.

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