Past QuMat seminars in Utrecht

The QuMat seminars in Utrecht is a bi-weekly joint venture between Utrecht’s experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics groups.
Coming QuMat seminars are listed here.

Videos from previous talks are available on youtube and listed here.

Hydrodynamic aspects of Coulomb interactions in two-dimensional plasmas: topological modes and conductivity suppression

Speaker: Hugo Terças – Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

Host: Lars Fritz



Two-dimensional plasmas, such as the ones found in graphene and other Dirac materials, contain intriguing features when compared to their classical counterparts. In particular, the gapless nature of the plasmon spectrum prevents the existence of a typical time-scale for the collective processes. In this talk, we will discuss the emergence of topological hydrodynamic modes in the interface of two magnetic domains in graphene devices. Moreover, we show that hydrodynamic electron-hole instabilities are responsible for the emergence of electrostatic turbulence, which, in turn, leads to the suppression of the electrical conductivity in bilayer graphene.

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