Assistant professor: Eliška Greplová

Eliška Greplová
Eliška Greplová

Delft University

Kavli Institute of Nanoscience


Member of pillar M&T
Short Biography

Currently, I am an assistant professor at Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

I lead “Quantum Matter and AI” group, where we work at the intersection of quantum technologies, artificial intelligence and condensed matter physics. In addition to my position at TU Delft, I am a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research Amsterdam. I am also a member of World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Quantum Computing. I co-founded Virtual Science Forum, a platform for online scientific events.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich in the group of Sebastian Huber. I obtained my PhD under supervision of Klaus Mølmer at Aarhus University and worked in the group of Ignacio Cirac (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics) during my master studies.

Project involvement
Project Leader for project MT.4
Topological quantum metamaterials and devices

PhD student: Guliuxin Jin

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