Associate professor: Ingmar Swart

Ingmar Swart
Ingmar Swart

Utrecht University

Atomic Scale Matter


Publications in QuMat

Compact localized boundary states in a quasi-1D electronic diamond-necklace chain
S.N. Kempkes, P. Capiod, S. Ismaili, J. Mulkens, L. Eek, I. Swart, C. Morais Smith
Quantum Frontiers 2, 1 (2023)
Short Biography

Swart focusses on creating and characterizing atomically well-defined materials. His group is world-leading in the formation of artificial electron lattices and the first electronic fractal was realized in this group. Swart is the recipient of an NWO Veni (2011) and ERC Consolidator grant (2019). In 2017, he won the ‘Best young teacher of Utrecht University’ award (one prize for the whole university (30,000+ students)).

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