Affiliated PHD: Jara Vliem

Utrecht University
Synthesis and Characterization of Colloidal Topological Insulators
Project Leader: Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
Co-supervisor: Ingmar Swart
Student of pillar 1
Short Biography
After finishing my bachelor’s degree in chemistry at Utrecht University (2015-2018), I moved on to obtain my master’s degree in Nanomaterials Science (2018-2020). During that time, I joined to group Condensed Matter and Interfaces (CMI) to write my thesis on the synthesis and characterization of CdSe nanorings.
I was happy to stay in the same group for my PhD project, which I started on October 2020 under the supervision of prof. dr. Daniel Vanmaekelbergh and dr. Ingmar Swart. The project focusses on investigating the synthesis and properties of (crystalline) topological insulators such as bismuth selenide, bismuth telluride, and tin telluride.
Outside of work, I enjoy playing the violin/viola, playing board or puzzle games with friends, visiting musea, hiking, or photographing pretty insects wherever I can find them.
Publications in QuMat
Characterization of the edge states in colloidal Bi2Se3 platelets Jesper R. Moes, Jara F. Vliem, Pedro M. M. C. de Melo, Thomas C. Wigmans, Andrés R. Botello-Méndez, Rafael G. Mendes, Ella F. van Brenk, Ingmar Swart, Lucas Maisel Licerán, Henk T. C. Stoof, Christophe Delerue, Zeila Zanolli, Daniel Vanmaekelbergh Nano Letters 24, 17 5110–5116 (April 2024) |
Colloidal nanocrystals: Viable model systems for electronic quantum materials? Jara F. Vliem, Jesper R. Moes, Ingmar Swart, Daniel Vanmaekelbergh Nano Research 17, 12 10511-10524 (November 2024) Contributes to: Pillar 1, |
Cation Exchange and Spontaneous Crystal Repair Resulting in Ultrathin, Planar CdS Nanosheets Maaike M. van der Sluijs and Jara F. Vliem and Jur W. de Wit and Jeppe J. Rietveld and Johannes D. Meeldijk and Daniel A. M. Vanmaekelbergh Chemistry of Materials 35, 19 8301 – 8308 (September 2023) Contributes to: Pillar 1, |