PHD: Joost Aretz

Joost Aretz
Radboud University
Project 1.2A in Pillar 1
Theory of topological insulator/X interfaces, interfacial effects on band structure
Project Leader: Malte Rösner
Co-supervisor: Zeila Zanolli
Student of pillar 1
Short Biography
Coming soon…
Publications in QuMat
Influence of surface relaxations on atomic-resolution imaging of a charge density wave material Nikhil S Sivakumar, Joost Aretz, Sebastian Scherb, Marion van Midden Mavrič, Nora Huijgen, Umut Kamber, Daniel Wegner, Alexander A Khajetoorians, Malte Rösner, Nadine Hauptmann Contributes to: Pillar 1, |