Full professor: Alexander Khajetoorians

Alexander Khajetoorians
Alexander Khajetoorians

Radboud University

Scanning Probe Microscopy department

Email: a.khajetoorians@science.ru.nl

Member of pillar 1
Member of pillar 2
Member of pillar 3
Member of pillar 4
Leader of pillar M&T
Short Biography

The Khajetoorians group focuses on using high-precision scanning probe microscopy methods, in magnetic fields and at ultra-low temperatures, to understand quantum materials. His group focuses strongly on spintronic, novel electronic, and superconducting properties of surfaces. Khajetoorians and co-workers have pioneered the first atomic- scale all-spin logic gate and discovered a new magnetic phase of matter, the so-called spin-Q glass. Khajetoorians is a recipient of the Vidi grant and ERC Consolidator Grant, as well as the Emmy Noether Independent Grant (DFG). He has also won the Gerhard Ertl Young Investigator Award and the Nicholas Kurti European Science Prize.

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