Affiliated PHD: Lucas Maisel Licerán

Lucas Maisel Licerán
Lucas Maisel Licerán

Utrecht University

Project Leader: Henk Stoof


Student of pillar 4
Short Biography

My name is Lucas and I am a PhD student at Utrecht University under the supervision of Henk Stoof. Before starting my PhD, I graduated with a BSc in Physics at the University of Barcelona, and then moved to the Netherlands to pursue a master’s in theoretical physics at Utrecht University. During my master’s thesis I studied the properties of excitons in thin nanosheets of the topological insulator bismuth selenide.

The aim of my PhD is to extend this research and understand how excitons couple to other elementary excitations or quasiparticles in such exotic materials. Examples of this include excitonic interactions with plasmons, photons, and other excitons.

While my own work is theoretical, I greatly enjoy collaborating with experimental groups and sharing results and ideas. Thus, I am also actively involved in the research of Zeila Zanolli and Daniel Vanmaekelbergh at the Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, with the current goal of theoretically reproducing experimental findings on topological and magnetic properties of thin bismuth selenide nanocrystals.

Publications in QuMat

Characterization of the edge states in colloidal Bi2Se3 platelets
Jesper R. Moes, Jara F. Vliem, Pedro M. M. C. de Melo, Thomas C. Wigmans, Andrés R. Botello-Méndez, Rafael G. Mendes, Ella F. van Brenk, Ingmar Swart, Lucas Maisel Licerán, Henk T. C. Stoof, Christophe Delerue, Zeila Zanolli, Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
Nano Letters 24, 17 5110–5116 (April 2024)

Contributes to: Pillar 1, Pillar 4,

Topology of Bi2Se3 nanosheets
L. Maisel Licerán, S. J. H. Koerhuis, D. Vanmaekelbergh, H. T. C. Stoof
Phys. Rev. B 109, 195407 (May 2024)

Contributes to: Pillar 4,

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