PHD: Julian Strik

Radboud University
Project 2.3A in Pillar 2
Synthesis of complex magnetism
Project Leader: Alexander Khajetoorians
Co-supervisor: Sander Otte
Student of pillar 2
Short Biography
I was born in Arnhem, the Netherlands, and studied Physics and Astronomy at the Radboud University in Nijmegen (Bachelor (2016-2020) and Master (2020-2023)). Here, I did two different internships involving scanning tunneling microscopy (STM):
In my bachelor’s, the electronic properties and light-matter interactions of individual ZnPc molecules on NaCl were studied using STM-induced light emission (STM-LE). During my master’s, I investigated the magnetic properties of the self-induced spin glass state of elemental neodymium using spin-polarized STM (SP-STM) at low temperature.
Starting from April 2023, I am a PhD candidate in the SPM research group at Radboud University Nijmegen, under the supervision of prof. Alexander Khajetoorians. Within the QuMat program, my focus will be on characterizing complex magnetic states as well as superconducting behavior using STM methods, down to mK temperature.
In my free time, I like to play my guitar, go to concerts and movies with friends, and explore the local cafes and restaurants in Nijmegen.