Associate professor: Chuan Li

Chuan Li
Chuan Li

University of Twente

Interfaces and Correlated Electron Systems & Quantum Transport in Matter groups


Member of pillar 1
Member of pillar 3
Short Biography

Li’s expertise is in the nanofabrication and transport measurement of mesoscopic devices. She currently focuses on topological nanodevices for quantum computing. She observed the first Higher-order topological states in Bismuth nanowire-based Josephson devices and the topological superconductivity in 3D Dirac semimetals. Li is a recipient of an NWO Veni grant and an NWO Vidi grant. She was awarded the ‘prof. de Winter’ prize of the University of Twente.

Project involvement
Co-supervisor for project 3.1C
Germanium quantum wells

Postdoc: Karina Hudson

PhD student: Alberto Tosato

Project Leader for affilated project with PhD student Ilkin Goksal

Project Leader for affilated project with PhD student Marieke Altena

Project Leader for affilated project with Postdoc Yanliang Hou

Publications in QuMat

Josephson coupling across magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4
Thies Jansen, Ekaterina Kochetkova, Anna Isaeva, Alexander Brinkman, Chuan Li
Communications Materials 5.1, 214 (October 2024)

Awaiting pillar indexation…

Magnetic field enhanced critical current in Ge-Si nanowire Josephson junctions
Zhen Wu, Joost Ridderbos, Ang Li, Alexander A. Golubov, Floris A. Zwanenburg, Erik P. A. M. Bakkers, Alexander Brinkman, Chuan Li
Applied Physics Letters 125, 1 012603 (July 2024)

Contributes to: Pillar 3,

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