PHD: Pim Lueb

Pim Lueb
TU Eindhoven
Project 3.1A in Pillar 3
Synthesis of PbTe and development of in-situ device technology
Project Leader: Erik Bakkers
Co-supervisor: Michael Wimmer
Student of pillar 3
Short Biography
Coming soon…
Publications in QuMat
Catalyst-free MBE growth of PbSnTe nanowires with tunable aspect ratio Mathijs Mientjes, Xin Guan, Pim Lueb, Marcel Verheijen, Erik Bakkers Nanotechnology 35, 325602 (May 2024) Contributes to: Pillar 3, |
Diffusive and ballistic transport in thin InSb nanowire devices using a few-layer-graphene-AlOx gate Lior Shani and Pim Lueb and Gavin Menning and Mohit Gupta and Colin Riggert and Tyler Littmann and Frey Hackbarth and Marco Rossi and Jason Jung and Ghada Badawy and Marcel A Verheijen and Paul A Crowell and Erik P A M Bakkers and Vlad S Pribiag Materials for Quantum Technology 4, 1 (March 2024) Contributes to: Pillar 3, |
Evidence for π-Shifted Cooper Quartets and Few-Mode Transport in PbTe Nanowire Three-Terminal Josephson Junctions Mohit Gupta, Vipin Khade, Colin Riggert, Lior Shani, Gavin Menning, Pim J. H. Lueb, Jason Jung, Régis Mélin, Erik P. A. M. Bakkers, Vlad S. Pribiag Nano Letters 24, 44 (October 2024) Contributes to: Pillar 3, |
Stemless InSb nanowire networks and nanoflakes grown on InP Marco Rossi, Teun A J van Schijndel, Pim Lueb, Ghada Badawy, Jason Jung, Wouter H J Peeters, Sebastian Kölling, Oussama Moutanabbir, Marcel A Verheijen, Erik P A M Bakkers Nanotechnology 35, 41 415602 (July 2024) Contributes to: Pillar 3, |
Thermal scanning probe and laser lithography for patterning nanowire based quantum devices Lior Shani; Jana Chaaban; Alec Nilson; Eliott Clerc; Gavin Menning; Colin Riggert; Pim Lueb; Marco Rossi; Ghada Badawy; Erik Bakkers NANOTECHNOLOGY 35, 25 255302 (April 2024) Contributes to: Pillar 3, |