QuMat Seminar Videos
Videos from the QuMat seminars are available through this list or directly viewable on the QuMat YouTube channel.
Speaker: Sascha Feldmann
Affilation: Laboratory for Energy Materials at EPFL
Host: Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
Speaker: Cristiane de Morais Smith
Affilation: Utrecht University
Host: Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
Speaker: Sense Jan van der Molen
Affilation: Huygens-Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium, Universiteit Leiden
Host: Ingmar Swart
Speaker: Kobus Kuipers
Affilation: Delft University of Technology
Speaker: Semonti Bhattacharyya
Affilation: Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University
Host: Machteld Kamminga
Speaker: Alexander Struck
Affilation: Rhein-Waal University
Host: Dirk Schuricht
Speaker: Jan Budich
Affilation: Institute of Theoretical Physics, TU Dresden
Speaker: Florian Schreck
Affilation: University of Amsterdam
Host: Peter van der Straten