Past QuMat seminars in Utrecht
Videos from previous talks are available on youtube and listed here.
Orbitronics: A New Frontier in Condensed Matter Physics
Speaker: Dongwook Go – Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Host: Rembert Duine
Quantum Science with Single Atoms and Molecules on Surfaces
Speaker: Philip Willke – Karlsruhe institute for Technology
Host: Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
Heat-carrying sound in liquid ³He and in metallic Fermi liquids
Speaker: Kamran Behnia – CNRS & ESPCI, Paris, France
Host: Lars Fritz
Spinorbitronics in the nanoworld: from all-electrical detection of skyrmions to kagomerization
Speaker: Samir Lounis – Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Host: Zeila Zanolli
Electromigration, from pain to gain
Speaker: Alejandro Silhanek – University of Liege
Host: Matthieu Verstraete
Revisiting phonons: the mode-coupling theory of anharmonic lattice dynamics
Speaker: Alois Castellano – University of Liege
Host: Rembert Duine
Orbitronics Unveiled: From Fundamentals to Two-Dimensional Materials
Speaker: Tatiana Rappoport – Minho University
Chiroptical probes to track spin & light polarization in space & time in emerging semiconductors
Speaker: Sascha Feldmann – Laboratory for Energy Materials at EPFL
Host: Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
Opportunities from single magnetic adatoms on superconductors
Speaker: Katharina Franke – Freie Universität Berlin
Host: Ingmar Swart
NO SEMINAR – QuMat Summer School / Summer Break
Bogoliubov Fermi surface in a proximitized topological insulator
Speaker: Jens Brede – University of Cologne
Host: Ingmar Swart
Quantum fractals: from meta- to real materials
Speaker: Cristiane de Morais Smith – Utrecht University
Host: Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
Light-driven ultrafast magnetism
Speaker: Dmytro Afanasiev – Radboud University
Host: Machteld Kamminga
Ultrafast heat dynamics and transport in (twisted) quantum materials
Speaker: Klaas-Jan Tielrooij – Eindhoven Universitiy of Technology
Host: Hai Wang
Decoherence of a silicon spin qubit under the action of a single charge fluctuator
Speaker: Christophe Delerue – University of Lille, CNRS, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
Host: Henk Stoof
NO SEMINAR – March Meeting
Ultrafast dynamics of 2D semiconductors and their heterostructures
Speaker: Giulio Cerullo – Politecnico Milano
Host: Zeila Zanolli
Orbital Magnetism in Moiré Superlattices as revealed by Landau Level spectroscopy
Speaker: Paul Haney – NIST Gaithersburg
Host: Rembert Duine
NO SEMINAR – Physics @ Veldhoven
Measuring unoccupied bands in van der Waals materials
Speaker: Sense Jan van der Molen – Huygens-Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium, Universiteit Leiden
Host: Ingmar Swart
Local investigations of topological edge states: robustness and breakdown of spin-momentum locking
Speaker: Kobus Kuipers – Delft University of Technology
Dirac Fermions at the interfaces
Speaker: Semonti Bhattacharyya – Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University
Host: Machteld Kamminga
Constructing nonequilibrium steady states from equilibrium correlation functions
Speaker: Robin Steinigeweg – Osnabrück University
Host: Dirk Schuricht
Quantum spin Hall effect and electric field-induced topological phase transition in germanene
Speaker: Harold Zandvliet – Twente University
Host: Ingmar Swart
NO SEMINAR – Quantum Magnetic Materials Conference
Chromium trihalides: Fundamentals and Future Applications
Speaker: David Soriano – Universidad de Alicante
Host: Zeila Zanolli
Strong couplings in nanosystems: Manipulating transport properties by light
Speaker: Christoph Lienau – Universität Oldenburg
Host: Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
Generating smooth potential landscapes with thermal scanning-probe lithograpyh
Speaker: Nolan Lassaline – Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Host: Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
Machine learning and artificial intelligence in applied and fundamental sciences – practical methods, applications and critiques in a nutshell
Speaker: Alexander Struck – Rhein-Waal University
Host: Dirk Schuricht
Neutron scattering for the investigation of quantum materials
Speaker: Kim Lefmann – Niels Bohr Institute
Host: Machteld Kamminga
Signatures of parity anomaly in a topological insulator
Speaker: Wouter Beugeling – University of Wurzburg
Host: Lars Fritz
Interacting Topological Magnons in Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets
Speaker: Alexander Mook – JGU Mainz
Host: Rembert Duine
NO SEMINAR – Physics @ Veldhoven
Non-Hermitian Topology from Electronic Correlations
Speaker: Jan Budich – Institute of Theoretical Physics, TU Dresden
NO SEMINAR – March Meeting
First-principles studies of topological matter
Speaker: Irene Aguilera – Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam
Host: Zeila Zanolli
Quantum Motion, Relaxation and Stability of Multiple Excitons and Charge Carriers in Semiconductor Nanoplatelets
Speaker: Laurens Siebbeles – Delft University of Technology
Host: Henk Stoof
Continuous Bose-Einstein condensation and superradiant clocks
Speaker: Florian Schreck – University of Amsterdam
Host: Peter van der Straten
Density functional Bogoliubov-de Gennes calculations for a topological superconductor
Speaker: Philipp Rüßmann – Forschungszentrum Jülich
Host: Zeila Zanolli
Fundamental limit on electron-phonon interaction strength in metals
Speaker: Emil Yuzbashyan – Rutgers University
Host: Dirk Schuricht
Electron pairs without superconductivity
Speaker: Milan Allan – Leiden University
Host: Ingmar Swart
Landau levels and artificial magnetism in polariton lattices
Speaker: Alberto Amo – Laboratory PhLAM, CNRS and University of Lille
Hydrodynamic aspects of Coulomb interactions in two-dimensional plasmas: topological modes and conductivity suppression
Speaker: Hugo Terças – Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Host: Lars Fritz
Momentum dependent scaling exponents of cuprate strange-metal self energies: ARPES meets semi-holography
Speaker: Mark Golden – Amsterdam University
Host: QuMat
Magnonic analogs of topological insulators in two and three dimensions
Speaker: Hosho Katsura – Tokyo University
Host: Dirk Schuricht