Tenure track assistant professor: Marcos Guimarães

University of Groningen
OptoSpintronics of Nanomaterials
Email: m.h.guimaraes@rug.nl
Short Biography
Guimarães focuses on the interplay between charge, spin/magnetism, and light in atomically-thin materials. His group explores the control over spin-orbit torques for the manipulation of magnetization and uses ultrafast magneto-optical techniques to study the behavior of spins and magnetism in low-dimensional structures. He pioneered the control of spin-orbit torques using low-symmetry two-dimensional materials and the demonstration of optically- generated spins in inversion symmetric van der Waals systems. He received the NWO Rubicon, Veni, and Start-Up grants, a Kavli Institute Fellowship, and an ERC Starting Grant. Guimarães is also part of the Young Academy Groningen.
Project involvement
Heterostructure engineering of hybrid materials based on transition metal dichalcogenides
Opto-magnonic devices
On-chip coupling of light to spin and pseudo-spin
Publications in QuMat
Spin Hall magnetoresistance in Pt/(Ga,Mn)N devices J. Aaron Mendoza-Rodarte; Katarzyna Gas; Manuel Herrera-Zaldívar; Detlef Hommel; Maciej Sawicki; Marcos H. D. Guimarães Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 152404 (October 2024) Awaiting pillar indexation… |
Efficient Magnon Injection and Detection via the Orbital Rashba Edelstein Effect J. Aaron Mendoza-Rodarte, Maxen Cosset-Chéneau, Bart J. van Wees, Marcos H. D. Guimarães Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 226704 (May 2024) Awaiting pillar indexation… |
Electric control of optically-induced magnetization dynamics in a van der Waals ferromagnet Freddie Hendriks, Rafael R. Rojas-Lopez, Bert Koopmans, Marcos H. D. Guimarães Nature Communications 15, 1298 (February 2024) Awaiting pillar indexation… |
Locally Phase-Engineered MoTe2 for Near-Infrared Photodetectors Jan Hidding, Cédric A. Cordero-Silis, Daniel Vaquero, Konstantinos P. Rompotis, Jorge Quereda, Marcos H. D. Guimarães ACS Photonics (September 2024) Contributes to: Pillar 1, |
Nonlinear magnetotransport in MoTe2 Anna C. Marx, Homayoun Jafari, Eelco Tekelenburg, Maria A. Loi, Jagoda Slawinska, Marcos H. D. Guimaraes Phys. Rev. B 109, 125408 (March 2024) Awaiting pillar indexation… |
Roadmap on Quantum Magnetic Materials Antonija Grubišić-Čabo, Marcos H. D. Guimarães, Dmytro Afanasiev, Jose H. Garcia Aguilar, Irene Aguilera, Mazhar N. Ali, Semonti Bhattacharyya, Yaroslav M. Blanter, Rixt Bosma, Zhiyuan Cheng, Zhiying Dan, Saroj P. Dash, Joaquín Medina Dueñas, Joaquín Fernandez-Rossier, Marco Gibertini, Sergii Grytsiuk, Maurits J. A. Houmes, Anna Isaeva, Chrystalla Knekna, Arnold H. Kole, Samer Kurdi, Jose Lado, Samuel Mañas-Valero, J. Marcelo J. Lopes, Damiano Marian, Mengxing Na, Falk Pabst, Sergio Barquero Pierantoni, Mexx Regout, Riccardo Reho, Malte Rösner, David Sanz, Toeno van der Sar, Jagoda Sławińska, Matthieu J. Verstraete, Muhammad Waseem, Herre S. J. van der Zant, Zeila Zanolli, David Soriano Contributes to: Pillar 1, Pillar 3, Pillar 4,Pillar M & T, |